Past Participle Und Present Participle Übungen Klasse 9 PDF

Past Participle Und Present Participle Übungen Klasse 9 PDF

The Past Participle is used to form the past tense and the passive voice in English. It is usually made by adding -ed to the base form of the verb, as in walked, played, and worked.

The Present Participle is used to form the present tense and the active voice in English. It is usually made by adding -ing to the base form of the verb, as in walking, playing, and working.

Here are some examples of how the Past Participle and Present Participle can be used:

Past Participle:

I walked to the store. (past tense)
The shirt was washed in the machine. (passive voice)

Present Participle:

I am walking to the store. (present tense)
I am washing the shirt in the machine. (active voice)

Here are some other examples of verbs and their Past Participle and Present Participle forms:

Base Form: begin
Past Participle: begun
Present Participle: beginning

Base Form: bring
Past Participle: brought
Present Participle: bringing

Base Form: build
Past Participle: built
Present Participle: building

Base Form: catch
Past Participle: caught
Present Participle: catching

Base Form: choose
Past Participle: chosen
Present Participle: choosing

Base Form: come
Past Participle: come
Present Participle: coming

Base Form: do
Past Participle: done
Present Participle: doing

Base Form: drink
Past Participle: drunk
Present Participle: drinking

Base Form: drive
Past Participle: driven
Present Participle: driving

Base Form: eat
Past Participle: eaten
Present Participle: eating

Base Form: fall
Past Participle: fallen
Present Participle: falling

Base Form: feel
Past Participle: felt
Present Participle: feeling

Base Form: fight
Past Participle: fought
Present Participle: fighting

Base Form: find
Past Participle: found
Present Participle: finding

Base Form: fly
Past Participle: flown
Present Participle: flying

Base Form: forget
Past Participle: forgotten
Present Participle: forgetting

Base Form: get
Past Participle: gotten
Present Participle: getting

Base Form: give
Past Participle: given
Present Participle: giving

Base Form: go
Past Participle: gone
Present Participle: going

Base Form: grow
Past Participle: grown
Present Participle: growing

Base Form: have
Past Participle: had
Present Participle: having

Base Form: hear
Past Participle: heard
Present Participle: hearing

Base Form: hold
Past Participle: held
Present Participle: holding

Base Form: hurt
Past Participle: hurt
Present Participle: hurting

Base Form: keep
Past Participle: kept
Present Participle: keeping

Base Form: know
Past Participle: known
Present Participle: knowing

Base Form: lay
Past Participle: laid
Present Participle: laying

Base Form: leave
Past Participle: left
Present Participle: leaving

Base Form: lose
Past Participle: lost
Present Participle: losing

Base Form: make
Past Participle: made
Present Participle: making

Base Form: meet
Past Participle: met
Present Participle: meeting

Base Form: pay
Past Participle: paid
Present Participle: paying

Base Form: put
Past Participle: put
Present Participle: putting

Base Form: read
Past Participle: read
Present Participle: reading

Base Form: ride
Past Participle: ridden
Present Participle: riding

Base Form: run
Past Participle: run
Present Participle: running

Base Form: say
Past Participle: said
Present Participle: saying

Base Form: see
Past Participle: seen
Present Participle: seeing

Base Form: sell
Past Participle: sold
Present Participle: selling

Base Form: send
Past Participle: sent
Present Participle: sending

Base Form: show
Past Participle: shown
Present Participle: showing

Base Form: shut
Past Participle: shut
Present Participle: shutting

Base Form: sing
Past Participle: sung
Present Participle: singing

Base Form: sit
Past Participle: sat
Present Participle: sitting

Base Form: speak
Past Participle: spoken
Present Participle: speaking

Base Form: spend
Past Participle: spent
Present Participle: spending

Base Form: swim
Past Participle: swum
Present Participle: swimming

Base Form: take
Past Participle: taken
Present Participle: taking

Base Form: teach
Past Participle: taught
Present Participle: teaching

Base Form: tell
Past Participle: told
Present Participle: telling

Base Form: think
Past Participle: thought
Present Participle: thinking

Base Form: throw
Past Participle: thrown
Present Participle: throwing

Base Form: understand
Past Participle: understood
Present Participle: understanding

Base Form: wake
Past Participle: woken
Present Participle: waking

Base Form: wear
Past Participle: worn
Present Participle: wearing

Base Form: win
Past Participle: won
Present Participle: winning

Base Form: write
Past Participle: written
Present Participle: writing

Now that you know how to form the Past Participle and Present Participle, let’s practice using them in sentences.

Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentence:

I ______ (walk) to the store

Öffnen Past Participle Und Present Participle Klasse 9 PDF

Öffnen Past Participle Und Present Participle | Klasse 9