Modalverben Englisch Übungen Klasse 7 PDF

Modalverben Englisch Übungen Klasse 7 PDF

Modal verbs are a type of auxiliary verb that are used to express ability, possibility, permission, or obligation. Some examples of modal verbs include can, could, may, might, must, should, and would. These verbs are typically used with a main verb to form a complete thought. For example, in the sentence „I can swim,“ the modal verb is „can“ and the main verb is „swim.“

Modal verbs are often used to express levels of ability, possibility, or certainty. For example, the modal verb „can“ is used to express ability, as in the sentence „I can swim.“ The modal verb „might“ is used to express possibility, as in the sentence „It might rain tomorrow.“ The modal verb „must“ is used to express certainty, as in the sentence „The meeting must be cancelled.“


1. Use the modal verb „can“ to express ability in the following sentences:

I _____ swim.

You _____ speak English.

They _____ drive a car.

2. Use the modal verb „might“ to express possibility in the following sentences:

I _____ go to the party.

You _____ get a good grade on the test.

They _____ be at home.

3. Use the modal verb „must“ to express certainty in the following sentences:

I _____ finish my homework.

You _____ be tired after running a marathon.

They _____ have left by now.

Öffnen Modalverben Englisch Klasse 7 PDF

Öffnen Modalverben Englisch | Klasse 7