Indirekte Rede Englisch Übungen Klasse 7 PDF

Indirekte Rede Englisch Übungen Klasse 7 PDF

Erklärungen und Übungen mit Lösungen Indirekte Rede Englisch

Die indirekte Rede ist eine wichtige Sprachstruktur, die du kennen solltest, wenn du Englisch lernen möchtest. In diesem Artikel erklären wir dir, was die indirekte Rede ist, und stellen dir einige Übungen zur Verfügung, damit du sie besser verstehen und anwenden kannst.

Die indirekte Rede ist, wenn du etwas sagst, was jemand anderes gesagt hat. Zum Beispiel:

Sie sagte: „Ich bin müde.“

Das ist die indirekte Rede von: „I am tired.“

Wenn du die indirekte Rede verwendest, musst du einige grammatikalische Änderungen vornehmen. Diese Änderungen sind notwendig, um klarzustellen, dass du nicht diejenige bist, die das sagt, was du sagst.

Zum Beispiel:

Original: I am tired.
Indirekte Rede: She said (that) she was tired.

As you can see, in the indirect speech version, we need to use the word ‚that‘ to introduce the clause containing the reported speech. We also need to change the tense of the verb to match the tense of the original sentence.

Here are some more examples:

Original: I am going to the shops.
Indirekte Rede: She said (that) she was going to the shops.

Original: I have finished my homework.
Indirekte Rede: She said (that) she had finished her homework.

Remember, when you use reported speech, you need to change the tense of the verb to match the tense of the original sentence. This can be a bit tricky, so let’s have a look at some more examples to help you understand how it works.

Here is an example of reported speech in the present tense:

Original: I am studying for my exams.
Indirekte Rede: She said (that) she is studying for her exams.

Notice that we don’t need to change the verb ‚to study‘ in the reported speech version, because it is already in the present tense. This is because the present tense is already the past tense in reported speech.

Here is an example of reported speech in the past tense:

Original: I was studying for my exams.
Indirekte Rede: She said (that) she was studying for her exams.

Notice that we don’t need to change the verb ‚to study‘ in the reported speech version, because it is already in the past tense. This is because the past tense is already the past tense in reported speech.

Here is an example of reported speech in the future tense:

Original: I am going to study for my exams.
Indirekte Rede: She said (that) she is going to study for her exams.

Notice that we don’t need to change the verb ‚to study‘ in the reported speech version, because it is already in the future tense. This is because the future tense is already the past tense in reported speech.

Now that you know how to use reported speech, why not try out some of the exercises below to practice what you have learned?


Übung 1

Konvertiere die folgenden Sätze in die indirekte Rede.

1. I am tired.
2. I am going to the shops.
3. I have finished my homework.
4. I am studying for my exams.

Übung 2

Konvertiere die folgenden Sätze in die indirekte Rede.

1. She is tired.
2. She is going to the shops.
3. She has finished her homework.
4. She is studying for her exams.

Übung 3

Konvertiere die folgenden Sätze in die indirekte Rede.

1. They are tired.
2. They are going to the shops.
3. They have finished their homework.
4. They are studying for their exams.


Übung 1

1. She said (that) she was tired.
2. She said (that) she was going to the shops.
3. She said (that) she had finished her homework.
4. She said (that) she was studying for her exams.

Übung 2

1. He said (that) he was tired.
2. He said (that) he was going to the shops.
3. He said (that) he had finished his homework.
4. He said (that) he was studying for his exams.

Übung 3

1. They said (that) they were tired.
2. They said (that) they were going to the shops.
3. They said (that) they had finished their homework.
4. They said (that) they were studying for their exams.

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