Some And Any Compounds Übungen Klasse 6 PDF

Some And Any Compounds Übungen Klasse 6 PDF

Some and any are two of the most common words in English. They are both used to talk about quantity, but there are some important differences between them. Some is used to talk about a small quantity, or a quantity that is not known. For example: There are some apples in the fridge. We don’t have any apples, so we’ll have to buy some. Any is used to talk about any quantity, or a quantity that is not important. For example: Can I have any apples? There aren’t any apples left, so we’ll have to buy some.

Some and any are both used with plural nouns and with uncountable nouns. They are also both used with the pronouns all, most, enough, little and no.

Here are some more examples of how to use some and any: Can I borrow some books from you? Do you have any books on the history of the Second World War? I’ve read some books by Stephen King, but I don’t like his writing. I haven’t read any books by him, so I can’t comment. I have enough books to last me for the rest of my life! I don’t have many books, so I need to buy some. All books must be returned to the library by the end of the month. Most books are available in both hardback and paperback.

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