Fragewörter Englisch Übungen 5 Klasse PDF

Fragewörter Englisch Übungen 5 Klasse PDF

Ich möchte einen Artikel über Fragewörter in Englisch schreiben. Dieser Artikel soll Erklärungen und Übungen mit Lösungen beinhalten.

What What is a question word? A question word is a word that is used to ask a question. There are many different question words, and each one is used to ask a different type of question. Here are some of the most common question words: What – Used to ask about the thing or things that are being talked about. What time is it? What are you doing? What did you do yesterday? What is your name? When When is a question word that is used to ask about time. When is your birthday? When do you wake up? When is the party? Where Where is a question word that is used to ask about place. Where do you live? Where are you from? Where is the bathroom? Who Who is a question word that is used to ask about people. Who is your best friend? Who are you? Who did you see yesterday? Why Why is a question word that is used to ask about reasons. Why are you sad? Why did you do that? Why do you like dogs? How How is a question word that is used to ask about the way something is done. How do you make a cake? How do you spell your name? How are you?

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