Englisch 5 Klasse Present Progressive Übungen PDF

Englisch 5 Klasse Present Progressive Übungen PDF

The present progressive is a verb tense used to describe ongoing, current actions. It is formed by combining the present tense of the verb „to be“ with the present participle of the main verb. In English, the present progressive is typically used to describe actions that are happening right now, or that are happening regularly (e.g., „I am writing a book“).

The present progressive can be used with all subjects, including third person singular subjects (e.g., „He is playing the piano“). It is also possible to use the present progressive with future actions, although this is less common.

Examples of Present Progressive Verbs in English

I am eating breakfast.

You are reading a book.

He is playing the piano.

She is watching television.

It is raining.

We are going to the movies.

They are having a party.


Complete the following sentences with the present progressive form of the verbs in parentheses. Be sure to use the correct subject.

1. _______ (eat) breakfast.

2. _______ (read) a book.

3. _______ (play) the piano.

4. _______ (watch) television.

5. _______ (rain) right now.

6. _______ (go) to the movies.

7. _______ (have) a party.


1. I am eating breakfast.

2. You are reading a book.

3. He is playing the piano.

4. She is watching television.

5. It is raining right now.

6. We are going to the movies.

7. They are having a party.

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